Monday, March 30, 2009

Fire and Water

I know that personally, when i'm watching a waterfall or maybe even a small flickering flame, i lose awareness of time and sometimes space. At first I achieve a clear and sharp sense of focus. I begin to think about the form and existence of the object. As time passes by, my mind begins to clear until there's nothing at all. In essence I've achieved thoughtlessness. In this pseudo-hypnotic state, everything stands still; perfectly serene and reserved in nature. Eventually, either by some outside interference or by a lose of focus, I snap out of this trance like state and reflect back in wonder. Although much of this sounds poetic and maybe even meditative, I assure you, while watching waterfalls, ocean waves, flames or other constnatly shifting object you'll experience a similar sensation. The descriptions above may seem exagerated and strange but in essence my mind experiences a loss of thoughts and a sense of serenity while watching these mysterious forms of nature.

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