Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Break Point

This post is just an update on the current state of things. I have recently formed a 4 man group called break point. Inspired by America's Best Dance Crew's season 3 winner Quest Crew, I went out to form a crew of my own. As of now, we have a popper and a beginner at breaking (me), a hip hop dancer, another hip hop dancer who might begin housing, and a pure breaker. We have had a few rehearsals but we got relatively little done. Through this experience we have seen through the fun and games of being in a crew and have begun to realize how great a task we have decided to undertake. We plan on using many styles that other groups use while bringing our own flavor into our routines. Hopefully, this crew won't be among the various abandoned groups in the past. Hopefully, we will inspire many around us to achieve great things just like Quest crew has inspired us.

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