Thursday, May 29, 2008

man vs. virus

For those who have already seen the matrix, you've already heard of Agent Smith's virus theory. The Matrix may not have been the first to present it but that's where i've heard it from. This is how the theory goes. "When it came to classifying [man], i've come to realize that you aren't actually mammals. You see, mammals develop a sort of equilibrium with their surroundings, taking only that of which is necessary and balancing with their population with their environment. Humans however go to one area and continue to multiply and deprive the environment of its resources that the only way they can survive is to go to another area and continue to multiply. There is one other organism on this planet that follows this pattern. That organism is a virus." That's more or less what Agent Smith says in the Matrix and reflecting on it now, its actually very true. Humans are overpopulating the lands much like a virus would to a cell. All their actions are destructive to the environment, yet humans try to preserve their environments as much as possible just so they can survive. Imagine. If we actually find a planet to inhabit and begin colonizing, how would we be any different from a virus. Instead of jumping from planet to planet after depriving one of its resources, a virus jumps from cell to cell and eventually human to human. The actions of man are much like the actions of a virus. One, arguably the most advanced organism on the planet, the other, among the simplest. These ideas aren't meant to insult the human race in any way, but instead is meant to get people to draw comparisons in the behavior of human beings. I actually do believe that if we continue to live out life like we are right now, either the earth or man kind is going to be destroyed. This is why, i've published this account on humans vs. viruses.