Thursday, March 27, 2008


So track season started a few days ago and i'm dying in pain. But once the initial week and a half is over, track is awesome. I tried out for tennis before track but unfortunately, i got cut :-(. But hey, it's over with and now its time to focus on track. I do quite a few events including: the discus throw, the 100 meter dash, the 4-by-1 relay, and the long jump. Hopefully, I break my pr's (personal records) and become one of the top runners of the team. But as of now. ugh... My muscles are soooo sore. I'll have a few more posts about track as the season progresses, updating about my races and more. See ya.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Hey guys,
This is gonna be my first significant post on my blog. So prom is coming up for our school (I know pretty early), and i'm pretty pumped. A lot of my friends are going with random people that they've never actually known. I lucked out! I'm going with a very good friend of mine, so i'm actually looking forward to prom. The only downside is the immense price. But, whatever. It's going to be pretty fun and it's a nice experience to have. I'll have a new post up retelling prom night! Hope it goes well. Post comments about what u guys think about prom. I'm always interested to know what other people think about prom!


Hey guys,
I'm a new youtube member and i have a few beatboxing videos uploaded. Check out my videos under meleegc and subscribe! Right now i only have two but more will come!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hello everyone!
This is my first time doing a blog. On this blog i have no central focus (which is why the title is just my username). I'll be posting random stuff sooo hope u enjoy!